
时间:2022-11-27 20:11:46 由 可爱女人 分享 浏览



Since I went to school, I spent a lot of time in study. My classmates and teachers are just like my families. We almost meet each other every day. My teachers help me a lot. When I meet problems in study, they are very patient and help me to figure out the answers. When I have trouble in getting along with other students, they will talk to me and comfort me. I am so thankful to them, because they care about me just like my parents. I respect them so much. In my heart, they are the great people. I must study hard so that I can return their love.



Lily is a good girl. She always listens to her parents' words and she never makes her own choice, but as she becomes a middle school student, she realizes that she has grown up and wants to make her own decision. This is the very classic situation for most children who wants to be independent, but they dare not to say out their inner voice, because they are afraid of hurting their parents' feelings. In fact, we need to speak out our voice and let our parents realize we have grown up. They will be happy and let us make our own decision. We need to grow up sooner or later.



The definition of happiness always causes the public’s attention. Some people believe that making a lot of money and earning great reputation are the standard to define success, while some people think that spending more time with their families deserves all the things and it is their bliss. In my opinion, the meaning of happiness varies according to different people, but there is one thing in common, which is their positive attitude to life. I am so lucky to born in a happy family, and my parents give me all their love. Though we are ordinary, I am so satisfy with my life now. I cherish the thing I have.



Since I go to school, my parents always tell me that I should study hard, so that I can find a good job in the future and earn a lot of money. To most people, the purpose of reading books is to make money. But as I study more, I realize that making money and reading books don’t have the directly connection. The children should know more about the world by reading more books, at the same time, they need to sense the great joy of reading. When they are equipped with knowledge, they can solve problems by the skills they learn, the most important thing for them is to face difficulties with positive attitude.



It is known to all that Newton got the great inspiration from the falling apple as he was walking pass a tree. This apple changed and promoted the social civilization. Many people play the joke that if the apple hits on their heads, maybe they can be the next Newton. Actually, apple is just the stimulation to help Newton to figure out his thoughts. If it hits on other people's heads, it is just the ordinary incident and nothing special. The meaning of life is to keep searching. Everyone can make a difference if they keep thinking, and inspiration will come sooner or later. At that time, the success will be at hand.



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